Marion Town House
Feasibility Study
Marion, MA
Estimated Completion:
Estimated Construction Cost:
This project was a Feasibility Study for the Renovation of the Marion Town House , which houses the Town Hall functions for Marion, MA. The principal goal of the project is to provide a building for the town offices that are presently located in the existing 1877 Town House while preserving the building for its historic significance as a gift from the town’s greatest benefactor, Elizabeth Taber. Turowski2 Architecture was charged with investigating four possible ways to address the program.
Renovate and reorganize the entire existing 20,000 SF building to provide modern functional space for the Town House operations as well as additional town functions as space permits.
Renovate and reorganize only the 1877 front portion of the Town House to provide modern functional space for the Town House operations. Demolish the rear 1890 portion of the building and build a new structure to provide any needed modifications to meet the functional programs.
Build a new Town Hall to house only the Town House operations on a separate site in a style compatible with the community.
Provide a “campus-style” approach by physically connecting the Elizabeth Taber Library with the Town House and sharing the space with other Town operations such as Council on Aging.
Ultimately the Town decided to renovate the Town Hall for Town office use and to tackle the project in phases. Turowski2 Architecture is currently working on an exterior facade stabilization project which will be constructed in 2019/2020.